Sunday, June 30, 2013

ulyana sergeenko // session III

All the pieces here are gorgeous... on their own. Together they look too much like a granny's outfit. It all hangs on the model like a tent. A belt would have really given more shape to this. 

At this point in the sessions, I'm simply going through the outfits that are a "meh" to me. They don't inspire me but neither do they repel me. This outfit is pretty simple pretty normal. Nothing really stands out but that beautiful orange colour of the skirt. 

This dress reminds me of a "Jane Eyre" dress. Kind of like what a governess would wear back in the day. Although I love three quarter length sleeves, these look kind of restricting. But I'm a huge sucker for peter pan collars so it all evens out. 


I'm a complete sucker for green. People don't wear it nearly enough. Also, I love sleeveless shirt and dresses. And I don't mean spaghetti straps or tank tops. I love how the designer kept the accessories in neutral shades so that the fur scarf could really stand out. 


When organizing these photos, I had a really hard time with this outfit. Although there isn't something in specific that jumps out at me in inspiration, there are subtle things that I love about this photo. I like the shake if red; it is really festive. I like the hat which is really adorable. And I like the model... she reminds me of an old friend. 

This outfit is absolutely exquisite. From the corset to the romantic puffed sleeves to the mid-calf length, it reeks of romance. I would wear this in an instant.


I absolutely love the shape of this coat. The way it is cinched in at the waist and then flows out like an a-line dress... gorgeous. Although I'm still not the biggest fan of fur, I will admit that it is done in a very classy way here. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

ulyana sergeenko // session II

I know y'all are probably hoping for an outfit post, but, as you can probably tell, this isn't it. It isn't that I haven't been wearing cute stuff, or because I simply don't have time for photo shoots. In fact, I've worn some of my favourite outfits recently and summer's here so I have quite a bit of free time. 

Truth is, I'm trying to stay away from the camera for a bit. I'm getting the vibe that some people close to me are getting a little, shall we say, "put out" by the constant photo shoots. I think I'm coming off as vain or self-absorbed. Although I honestly don't really care what people are saying because it isn't true, I also don't want to rub them the wrong way if I don't have to. Maybe a few days away from the camera will cool the temperature down enough that it won't offend them so much.

So, until then, I will be continuing the Ulyana Sergeenko Sessions. I really love doing posts that aren't all bout me and this Fall/Winter collection is absolutely, breathtakingly out-of-this-world. See for yourself!

While I like the colours used in this outfit (excluding the purse which personally looks out of place), there isn't anything that really stands out. A very nice, but boring outfit. 


I love this skirt. It is simply gorgeous. The shape and obvious mobility of this exquisite piece isn't seen very often anymore. Nowadays, it is all about being short and tight. However, I'm not the biggest fan of the colour or the shininess of the material.


This dress/coat (whatever it is) is absolutely beautiful. The shape is adorable and it looks super comfortable. However, it is a little impractical. Whether a dress or a coat, it looks like it was meant to be worn in colder weather but bare legs (or even tights) seem a little too little as cover ups. I will say that the cinnamon coloured lace gloves are to die for.

While I like the shape of this number as well as the style of the underdress, I'm not too sure what is going on with the colours of this dress. Both the underpart (that looks like a shirt) and the apron-like overdress look like they are black, but next to each other they are quite different in colour. This could be attributed to the difference in material but I still don't think it's excusable. It simply looks a bit sloppy. 

I've never been the biggest fan of blue. I have dark skin and dark hair and I've always gravitated to warm earthy colours like green, red, brown, and yellow. Blue has never done much for me. And even though the shape of this skirt is stunning, I'm not too wowed by the overall effect. The model's eyes and hairstyle always seem to grab my attention before the actual outfit. 

This dress is adorable. I would totally wear this. I love the loose sleeves and the apron shaped ruffles decorating the front. Even the shoes don't seem so bad. The flower print is very spring-like without being too loud or cliche. I could definitely see myself wearing this with confidence.


This outfit has such an innocent sensuality about it. The small black slip (?) underneath contrasting with the girly sheer overdress with petal print and puffed sleeves... very beautiful. I think that the model's pose plays along with this theme very well. Her body is posing quite liberally but her face has the blankness of naivety. I would definitely wear this (albeit with a longer slip). 

ulyana sergeenko // session I

I just found one of the most beautiful Fall/Winter collections I've ever seen. But that's not saying much as I'm not really one for the "designer" side of the fashion world. I prefer street style. Also, this collection dates back to the 2010/2011 season. Yeah... I'm so out of touch.

In any case, I came across this collection as I was simply surfing the web and I simply had to share it with you. Unfortunately, there are more than thirty outfits. So I'll be dividing it into five posts/sessions. The first four will have seven photos each ranging from my least favourites to my favourites. And the last post/session will have my top four.

So, ladies and gentlemen, presenting the bottom seven of Ulyana Sergeenko's Fall/Winter collection of the 2010/2011 season!

While the length and shape of this dress is beautiful, I simply can't get over the material. When did it become fashionable to wear a garbage bag?

I hate high-rise shorts. Not because their ugly or unflattering, but because people think that the high waistline gives the wearer freedom to wear almost nothing on the legs. It isn't like the higher waistline is even covering more than ordinary shorts. 

While I like the colours of this dress/coat, I have to give it a thumbs down for the fur. I am pro-animal and hate it when fur/skin is used in fashion. When did a creature's life become less valuable than a piece of clothing? Especially since there are a ton of other materials that could be used. If this is faux fur... I still don't like it. It is really hard to make real or faux fur look classy. While I admit that the designer did a pretty good job of it, it still isn't the best if could be. 

While there isn't anything in particular that I don't like about this outfit, I find that it doesn't fit in well with the theme of the collection very well. It's too sleek and polished. Too modern.

Okay, what is this? Have pot-holders suddenly become fashionable and someone forgot to tell me?

This outfit would have been really cute if the skirt hadn't been so loud. 

I like this coat. The material looks awesome and the shape is very vintage-y. However, the overall outfit is a little blah. Black coat and grey shoes? No accessories? I think a thin, strong orange belt would have really pulled this whole thing together.

Monday, June 17, 2013

the habit of me

I wore this outfit to church yesterday... probably not the best idea. I was likened to a Jew, a Greek and Pocahontas... not that there's anything wrong with them, but I sort of like looking like myself. It's kind of a habit.

I kind of have a thing of going to extremes when it comes to outfit themes. I don't like simply adding one piece that is a little strange or kooky. I like going all the way. There's no way that I'd step out of the house with a military inspired outfit and only have a military jacket or combat boots. No, siree. I'd have both plus metal jewellery, a tough looking belt, aviators, and a scowl.

Dress: thrifted
Belt: thrifted
Shoes: Payless Shoe Source
Earrings #1: Ardene
Earrings #2: thriftedSunglasses: Bluenotes

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

slipping into summer

I wore this outfit to work yesterday. It is probably one of my all-time favourite outfits. This is what I would wear every day to work if I could. I love how each piece is based on the traditional work outfit and yet it is so cute and fun and me. I mean, we've got the blouse, the pencil skirt, and oxfords but they are all tweaked a little into being a little more unique. We've floral, corduroy and heels!

This skirt is probably one of my favourite buys. I got it at a Value Village early last autumn and I still wear it regularly. It is a dark blue corduroy with buttons all the way down the front. It comes with matching non-stretchy suspenders that I usually wear with it. Until recently, I never even thought about taking them off... 

In the above picture, you get a little glimpse of something white between the buttons. I'm so glad that I decided to wear a slip with this outfit for that particular reason. Phew... really dodged a nasty bullet there. It simply wouldn't do to have one's undergarments on display all over the internet, now would it?

I'm so happy with the weather right now. It is bright, it is sunny (well, not right now... right now it is dreary and rainy), and it is finally starting to feel like summer! The pool is open, the sun's curfew has been pushed back a couple hours, and I'm already starting to sweat the second I step outside. 

Shirt: Target
Skirt: thrifted
Shoes: Modcloth
Belt: thrifted
Purse: thrifted
Earrings: thrifted

Monday, June 10, 2013

follow the light

A few weeks ago, my family and I went to a wedding. I did an outfit post at the time but I only had access of the reception pictures recently. It was a really awesome time and the decor was beautiful. There were lights everywhere and everything pretty much shone in the dark. Even the things that didn't give off their own light like the crystal wine glasses sparkled. It might be a little cheesy, but it all reminded me a bit of a starry night. 

The centrepieces on the tables were absolutely gorgeous. There were these glass vases that were either shaped like the blue one above or like the first picture at the top. They were filled with little gel bubbles that got all sticky and gooey when they broke. Int the middle of the little balls, there was a disk that glowed brightly and that changed colour at the click of a remote. Sitting on the top was a small simple candle. It really was beautiful.

This candle picture is probably my favourite. The rest of the decorations and stuff had more of a partyish feel to it yet the small little candles that were littered across the tables amidst bottles of wine and champagne really made everything more elegant and wedding-like. It kind of reminds me of Paris with the soft candle light, the mirror like base, the almost empty wine bottles...

Friday, June 7, 2013


I wore this outfit to work the other day (Wednesday, I think it was) minus the hair scarf and the sky-high heels. I ended up getting a few comments on the casualness of the outfit and how it wasn't appropriate for work. Thankfully, I can always pull out the I-work-for-my-dad card which I did. I don't think it worked. The person asking still didn't seem to convinced. 

I just watched the first Star Wars movie with Luke and I have to say that I am really impressed. For a movie that was made around 40 years ago, the quality is exceptional. Han Solo isn't so bad as well. I've only seen Harrison Ford in a few movies including Indiana Jones and K-19: Widowmaker, both in which he is kind of older, so it was a little strange to see him as a younger guy.

Top: TRANSFER conference
Blazer: Siren's
Jeans: thrifted
Shoes: Payless Shoe Source
Scarf: gift
Belt: thrifted

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

a trek through time

 The Three Musketeers (my older brother, my older sister, and I) have a strange fascination with all things medieval. Even though it has decreased over the past few years from a wild obsession to a subtle integration into our lifestyle, its presence is still strongly felt. My older sister has a couple medieval chests in her room, as well as a bow and arrow and this wonderful cape that she sewed herself. My older brother also has a bow and arrow, but his "armoury" is much more extensive. He has a large (real!) sword, a dagger, a machete, a conquistador's helmet (I know, I know... not exactly medieval) and a chest. I, on the other hand, just have a lot of medieval inspired decor (ex: candles, wine bottles, dried flowers/herbs...). And of course, we all still have these awesome medieval clothing that we bought from a little boutique up in Quebec over five years ago.

These photos were taken last summer as well. They are definitely some of my favourites. I was actually gone for most of the summer, working at a camp, and every time I came home, we'd try to do a photo shoot. I never really like having photos taken of me before but the summer in question really changed me. I spend day after day in the sun, walking around, running around, and not eating much. I ended up losing quite some weight and so I didn't look big on camera anymore... well, as big. Thankfully, I've managed to keep off the weight so photos aren't such a big deal for me. I have also started to get more comfortable in my own skin in the past year or so so I'm not so self-conscious on camera which is really liberating. I used to run and hide every time a camera or phone came into view. I avoided the lens so much, I doubt you could find many photos of my 13-15 years. 

Say hello to the little well again! It might make some more appearances in future posts but I've started to love using my garage door as a back drop. It's simple and the white really lets the colour (or lack there of) pop. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

sweet acadia

Definitely not the best photo shoot I've ever taken. I spent the day handing out resumes to a few vet clinics and pet stores dressed this way (+shoes) and I was feeling a little too lazy to change into anything better. At least this way, I get to show off this adorable Modcloth shirt that I bought not long ago. I kind of have a love-hate relationship with this particular top. While it is super cute and lovely on its own, it is really difficult to layer with it or to wear a skirt with it. I don't own any skirt that works with it other than a plain black one but that's just a little too boring for my tastes. I reserve that outfit for a lazy day at the office where no one can see me. 

Up till now, each of my post titles have had some meaning or some relation to my post (note the little "up till now" part). Acadia actually used to be a region up north that included part of Quebec and some maritime provinces and Maine. But mainly Quebec. I guess you could call this my lame attempt at a call out to my French roots. 

Or you could call it complete and utter randomness... your pick. 

I love this little well situated beside out home. It was cleverly built around a pipe that sends water to our house so I guess it is still in use. In all my years in this home, it has been quite often a prop in my many photo shoots. 

Just want to apologize for the blurriness of all these photos. My younger sister generously helped me and she's still learning a bit. Huge thank you to her! You should have seen me before she came around. I was using a plant holder in place of a tripod and... well, it was sad, really.

Top: Modcloth
Cardigan: thrifted
Jeans: thrifted
Bracelet: Ardene 
He he... I love doing this to you guys.

Monday, June 3, 2013

boat to baffin

I love it when an outfit has both masculine and feminine components to it. Like oxfords and a cute lace dress, or a fedora and an a-line skirt, or suspenders (personal favourite) and heels. It has such a cute/charming effect. Like in the photo above: the mixture of overalls with a peter pan collar and lace socks. Or below: the menswear pants coupled with the cute cardigan and the beret.

I've started wearing all my pants rolled up to about the length of the bottom right photo. I used to love having the bottoms dragging on the floor but having them up out of the dirt and exposing my ankles is not only more sanitary, but way cuter.

Forgive me... another Foot Photo. But in my defence, I didn't even take this one.