Monday, October 7, 2013

october dress project // day 3

Teachers aren't what they used to be... Okay, well, maybe I'm just straddled with the ones that are subpar. I am homeschooled and do all my work on my computer, through an online school that has teachers, and classes and grades and the whole shebang. I've been doing it for my entire highschool life and while there are a lot of great teachers, a lot are downright horrible. They don't respond to your questions, or messages, they don't let you see your corrected work --only giving you a grade-- and some don't explain the work, forcing you to learn it on your own. My aunt is a math teacher and even she has said that a couple of the teachers that I have would never be hired at her school. Funny thing is, a lot of the below-average teachers are younger. That is kind of worrying. I kind of want to be a teacher after university. Are they teaching teachers differently now?

As I will be participating in NaNoWriMo this year for the first time, I've been planning and outlining and planning some more like a lunatic these past few days. With 50,000 words to write in a month, I don't want to ever, ever ever ever, get stuck and not know what to do next. I've got the chapters all generally outlined, but I need to go into more detail as to what I want each scene within the chapters to be like. It is really time consuming because it takes a lot of brainpower to first think up what you want, how you want it to be read, what atmosphere you want, and then write it all down clearly so that you don't confuse yourself later on.

Sorry for the long wait for this post. I had taken at least seventy five pictures during this shoot (I have a love/hate relationship with my self-timed, ten-photos-in-a-row setting) and I had to root through all of them to find the best and I haven't had much time. Plus, for some reason, I couldn't upload any pictures to blogger for a couple days.

Dress: thrifted
Top: Target
Tights: Reitmans

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