Friday, October 25, 2013

no wrong notes

My "world" is already getting ready for the upcoming Christmas season. My work has sent out little notices saying that we can't request work off from December 20-31 unless we absolutely have to, my younger sister's choir has begun to rehearse Christmas songs, and I've been asked to play background music at a Christmas party. And, I'm already wetting myself with nervousness. "But," I tell myself, "if you look fabulous, then it won't matter how horribly you play." So, instead of practicing (like I really should be doing) I've been searching for the perfect dress, which I found:

So after weeks of torment and difficult decisions, I went to buy it... only to find that it was out of stock. I contacted them asking if they were planning to bring it back into stock. They said no. So I went on a webwide search for it. I probably spent an entire afternoon looking for this one dress. Couldn't find it anywhere. Not even on the designers website.

So I went on another search for another dress... and, now with Modcloth now accepting Canadian credit cards, I found one that I actually liked.

I'm actually kind of happier with this one. While I still think that the first one would have been much better for the occasion, this one looks to be way easier to style differently, and way easier to dress up or down. So I'll probably get a lot more wears out of this one. However, my excitement for it kind of dulled when my sister said it looked like a granny's pioneer dress... -.-

My ODP is still going strong and people around me are really starting to take notice.

"Didn't you wear that dress yesturday?" Yes, and the day before that, and the day before that, and...

"Why aren't you wearing jeans? A dress is probably not the most pratical for what we're about to do." Wish I could. Can't.

And then there are the more favourable comments:

"You always look so put together!" ... don't I usually?

"Wearing the same dress for a month is creative?" This is my dad, so I'll give him a break.

But other than a few occurrences of me staying in my pyjama all day, I've been loyally wearing the same dress for the past twenty-five days. Honestly, though, I'm getting a little sick of wearing it. The weather is getting cold and I don't have many warm tights. Plus, I just got a pair of really nice jeans from a local thrift shop, as well as a Ruche sweater and chambray shirt I bought a few weeks ago that I'm dying to wear. Not to mention that jeans make me feel so much more secure. With autumn comes wind and some are strong enough to send skirts/dresses flying, exposing much more than the wearer would like. Plus, jeans are such an autumn staple, that I'd feel really weird wearing a dress during the entire season.

I've been trying to find time to photograph the outfits I've been wearing but between school and work, I've had absolutely no time. This weekend could have worked, but I'm actually in Waterloo visiting my older sister until Sunday. And then starts a whole new week. We'll see if I can fit in at least a couple outfit posts before next weekend.

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