Tuesday, October 29, 2013

my hair // chagrin valley

I love trying new things, and with my order of shampoo bars having come in, I'm so stoked to try a few that I've had my eye on for a while. There's Citrus Soapnuts, Ayurvedic Herb, Chestnut Henna, Nettle, and Mud and Clay.

I've always been a more "natural girl". I didn't wear any makeup until I was 15 and even then I only wore a little. Now, I only sometimes wear makeup when I go out, and I am completely comfortable with my bare face. I wear more natural looking clothing, my style is more ethnic, I was a vegetarian for half a year, I eat healthy, I love being outside, and I am the "Pocahontas" of my Disney-loving family.

I try to keep myself as healthy, and as natural as I possibly can, while still being presentable to the world and being confident in my own skin. And this translates to all aspects of my life, from the decor in my room, to my hobbies, to my beauty regime. And that includes my hair.

Although not really impressive, my hair has changed drastically in the past year; and for the better. My hair has always been a bit of a sore spot for me ever since I was a child and it is only recently that I actually enjoy having it.

- I don't wash my hair with shampoo.
- I don't use conditioner on my hair.
- I don't use any heat on my hair.
- I don't dye my hair.
- I don't spend more than two minutes on my hair outside the shower.

And here is why.

Before September 2012, I hated my hair. For as long as I can remember, I had short, thin, stringy, super oily hair. It would never grow past my shoulders, it was flat and lifeless, and I had to wash it twice a day. I hated it. I actually chopped it boy-short when I was twelve, and I kept it up for almost three years. I was sick of having to deal with my hair and as I was beginning to be more feminine (I was a huge tomboy to the point where I'd only wear my older brother's hand-me-downs), I was heart-broken over the fact that I would never have long beautiful hair. But I was resigned to the fact that my hair would never be as impressive as my older sister's long, thick, curly hair.

Then, I found a forum online on which a bunch of people were talking about something called the No-Poo Method. After chuckling over the name for a few moments, I started actually reading the comments and realized that I related to much of what the contributors said or have experienced.

There was one girl who had grown up with oily hair and it was genetic so she didn't think there was anything she could do about it. Then she tried the no-poo method and apparently her hair had improved drastically.

A few people spoke of how damaged their hair was after using heating tools such as blow-dryers, curling irons, and straighteners for years and that they were really close to simply chopping all their hair off. But after trying the no-poo method, their hair was quickly becoming softer, silkier, and obviously healthier. Although the damage had been done, using the no-poo method had begun to protect it and reversed some of the damage enough that it wasn't too severe.

So I went for it. I found some great "recipes" online. In the beginning, I used a mixture of baking soda and water and an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse, both mixed together in a glass, being prepared only minutes before my shower.

It worked! The baking soda did wonders for my oily hair but  the rinse helped protect the actual strands from getting overly dried. I was hooked. Although my hair wasn't super soft, or healthy, or silky, or smooth, I didn't have to wash it twice a day, and I was (really) happy with that.

After a month or so of this, I was slowly getting dissatisfied with the baking soda I was using. It made my scalp a little too dandruffy and I wanted something that was a little more refined. So back to the internet I went.

After a week or so of looking, I found a video on youtube where a girl was doing a review of some Chagrin Valley products. I wasn't really interested, and I didn't have any clue what these products were all about, but the girl had the most amazing black curls so I decided to watch.

Am I ever glad I did.

These Chagrin Valley products she was reviewing were like bars of gold in my eyes. I had finally found what I was looking for: organic, all-natural, shampoo bars that were handmade. Plus, there were some for every hair type.

My hair is a little tricky (oily on the scalp, but dry at the tips) so I decided to get a few sample sizes instead of just loading up on one specific bar that I thought would be best. But these "sample" sizes aren't really samples. I bought four, and they have lasted me for a very long time. I just started using my last one and it has almost been a year since I first started using them. The pricing is very reasonable, especially if you live in the US, and the service is great. I'm super impressed and I cannot imagine going back to commercial shampoos, if not for the state of my hair, than for this amazing company.

My hair is now the best it has ever been. It is so much thicker, softer, obviously healthier, and it is the longest it has ever been! I only wash it two or three times a week, and even then, it never gets oily in between washings. My hair still isn't "long" but I believe that if I keep going with this, my hair will grow just the same as everyone else's. I'm no longer conscious about my hair, and I don't spend an excessive amount of time washing it like I used to.

These all-natural shampoo bars have actually changed my life. I feel better about what I'm putting on my body, and I look better as well. I'm also supporting a small family-run business that really has their customer's in mind instead of a large business that only looks at the profits and not at the health of their consumers or their wallets.

What I love most about this, I think, is the fact that it completely revolves around nature. We as humans were put on this earth without cars, or planes, or labs, or inventions for a reason. All we really need to survive is out there in the forests and fields. And the best way to honour our earth and our God is to use what we've actually been given and to be aware of our part in helping the environment.

I highly encourage you to at least try out these shampoo bars. Your earth and your hair will thank you.

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