Tuesday, October 22, 2013

about me

Hi there! I'm Veronica, thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a student, author, adventurer, dreamer, wannabe traveler, fledgling photographer, piano player, and avid thrifter. I began The Fieldguide in May 2013 and even though it has only been a short time, I already feel myself to be on an amazing journey of blogging and online connecting. The Fieldguide is where I share my personal style, my adventures, my thoughts, my writing, and any interesting things that my life picks up along the way. 

I am a Canadian girl through and through. The sound of a crackling bonfire is the sound of kindred souls, the touch a brisk autumn wind is the touch of comfort, and the smell of pine is the smell of home. Whenever I’ve been in a city or town for too long, I can feel my breath getting heavier, aching for the crisp freshness of mountains and countryside. 

If you have any questions at all or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or message me through the contact form in the sidebar.

Why did you start blogging?

I've been writing as a hobby for a long time and style has always been one of my most prevalent interests. I discovered style blogs in the beginning of 2013 and started blogging only a few weeks later. I thought it was a neat way of combining two of my most passionate hobbies and it has become a great way for me to improve my photography skills. 

What camera do you use? Who takes your photos? Where do you take your photos?

I have no idea what camera I use… I should really check into that. But I take all my own photos unless I manage to bribe one of my younger sisters to help out. They actually have a life, so I'm often left to figure things out on my own, which can get a little complicated seeing as I do not have a tripod. 

Because of my lack of tripod, I’m severely limited as to where I can take photos. I live on fifteen acres so wildlife is never too far, but I’m forced to stay on level ground near home where I can create a DIY tripod out of boxes and overturned planters. I take most of my photos in front of my garage, the hanger door, or in the gardens circling my house. Recently, I’ve taken my photos inside our solarium since I can use our piano as a tripod. I’m hoping to get a tripod soon, so the landscape should start to be more interesting.

Who designed your blog layout?

I did actually. In fact, I didn't use anything outside of what blogger offers. I use a lot of Pixlr and Picmonkey to format my header and any art you see on here. It is quite easy in fact, to make a nice looking layout. It's all about making sure the header matches the colours used in the text or side bar, the art used doesn't clash with the font, and keeping true to a central theme or atmosphere. If you want any more tips, just leave a message!

Which fashion blogs do you follow?

The first style blog I read was Elizabeth’s Delightfully Tacky, and it remains one of my all-time favourites. I also read Rebecca’s The Clothes Horse, James’ Bleubird Vintage, Teika’s Selective Potential and I have recently discovered Amy’s Amy Flying a Kite, which is quickly becoming a favourite of mine. 

How much time do you spend blogging?

Either way too much, or not enough. I’m still trying to set up a consistent routine.

What inspired the name The Fieldguide? Why did you change the name?

This blog started off as The Eating of Acorns. I’m not sure where I came up with this, but I believe it came to me when I was researching strange, rarely used words for a school project. A few months in, I realized that I really wanted the name to reflect at least a part of what I do on this blog. I’m an outdoorsy girl (or at least I try to be) and I see this blog as a “guide” to my style, writing, and living in a very relaxed way.

Can I feature you on my site or get an interview?

Of course! I'd be honoured to be featured or interviewed. Just leave a message, and we'll set something up.

What are future plans for The Fieldguide?

I plan to keep writing, keep taking photos, and keep posting for the foreseeable future. I am hoping to travel next summer, and I will be posting my adventures on here.

How tall are you? What are your measurements?

While most people might say that sprouting numbers can be a sort of health trigger point for some others, I've spent enough time on Modcloth to know that knowing someones measurements is great for picturing how a piece of clothing or style will look on your body type or shape. 

I am 5’4” and my measurements are 35, 27, 36. 

Where do you get most of your clothes?

I go thrifting anywhere from once a month to once a week. Most of my clothing is second hand or vintage but I sometimes treat myself to a couple pieces from Ruche, Target, Modcloth, Etsy, or other smaller stores. I’m not really a mall-shopper, but I’m sure I have a couple pieces from mainstream stores somewhere in my closet.

What is your fashion philosophy?

I believe that style is more important than fashion. Personally, I don’t dress for attention or vanity. I do it as a form of creative expression. I view putting outfits together as a type of puzzle: everything has to work just so to get the best result. Feeling good about how I look often reflects how self-conscience I am. The better I feel, the more my mind is freed to think of other things. 

Do you have a job?

I am currently a full-time student in my final year of secondary school. I also work a part-time job at a local grocery store as a cashier. 

Tell us about your hair.

Although nothing spectacular when you simply look at it, my hair actually takes a lot of effort. I use all organic shampoo bars and I make my own conditioner. I’m planning to make a post about it in the near future. 

How do you think being homeschooled as affected you?

I have been for most of my scholastic life and I believe that it has had an enormous influence on who I am today. Not having been surrounded by others my age, I’ve never been exposed to peer pressure, trends, or popularity. This let me grow into who I am today, without hitting any speed bumps or obstacles.

You post short stories, excerpts, and poetry sometimes on your blog. Is writing a big part of your life?

Absolutely! I’ve been writing outside of school for as long as I can remember, but it is only recently that I’ve found my niche in fiction writing. I’ve done everything from writing essays for fun, to writing songs (really, really pathetic songs), to writing novels, to doing poetry. Getting my thoughts on paper (or on a screen) makes them less heavy on my heart and mind, releasing me from pressures and making me feel more connected to my ideas and beliefs. I have written one fan-fiction, one original novel, and am currently writing two other books.

Are you dating/in a relationship/etc?

I think the most romantic relationship I have is between me and my carrot muffins. We love each other dearly. In other words, I am not dating or in a relationship. I have never been, nor do I plan on being for the foreseeable future. I believe myself to be too young for this type of relationship at this time.

Do you believe in God?

Yes, I am a Christian and I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, as well as the Bible. If you have any questions pertaining to this, please don’t hesitate to message me. 

What is your favourite music? Do you play any instruments?

My favorite music is indie, folk, and rock. Some of my favorite artists include NEEDTOBREATHE, Tenth Avenue North, Mumford and Sons, Anthem Lights, and Rend Collective Experiment

I am also somewhat of an amateur musician. I’ve played piano for twelve years, and I’ve recently taken up the ukelele. Although not an overall fan of music (don’t really like pop) I do believe that music has a certain control over our emotions and our thoughts, and that it is very powerful. It can make school work less tiresome, a get-together more exciting, and a simple moment in nature magical.

Which of the six senses is your favorite?

As strange as it sounds, I believe that smell is the greatest sense we have. Scents have a way of reminding us of memories and making new ones. No experience is complete if you don’t have a distinct aroma to go with it. 

How can I make you love me?

Bake me carrot muffins, fix me up some tea, order pizza, and make a puzzle with me.

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