Sunday, September 29, 2013

only way is up

I didn't realize  how messy our entrance was until I already took these photos and the ones from the previous post. And by that time, I was too lazy to retake them. Oh well, at least you can see how our house looks like on a regular basis. Actually, this is pretty clean for my family. 
Yeah... two outfit posts in a day. I've never done this before, but I did a midday outfit change. Feelin' like a celebrity. Anyways, I started out with the outfit from the previous post and I went thrifting with it. On my outing, I bought these amazing brown oxford heels and I just had to wear them for church. Plus the weather turned out warmer than I thought it was going to be so I ditched the cardigan and changed my white belt for the brown belt since I no longer had the matching socks on. There is a little less going on here, but I like how I kept the three main pieces (top, skirt, tights) and yet made a whole new outfit. I feel very accomplished. Someone give me a medal.

No, I'm just kidding. A medal would never fit in my closet. I have way too much clothing. And that is why I just got rid of like five whole pieces (impressive, right?) for the winter. I'll definitely put away more, but I am a hoarder and I'm constantly worried that I'll regret giving/throwing/putting away something. And that is why my room looks like a garage sale. I have tons of old wine/beer bottles, dozens of candles, and books galore. I did manage to get rid of most of the junk on my window sill. Then again, I did just replace all that stuff with books, but at least it looks way tidier. 

As I was cleaning out my room, I realized just how much of my clothing was thrifted. I think there is only like two pieces (a top and a dress) that I bought from a real store in the past year. And one of them was on sale. Sure there are other pieces that I've had for years, but at least 75% of my clothing is thrifted. I'd say I was proud of myself for being careful with my money, but the truth is because I go thrifting and spend a lot less on each individual piece, I give myself permission to buy a lot more and because of that, I'm not as picky with what I buy. So I end up with a lot of junk that I wear once and don't even like that much. 

For example, a few months ago, I bought a light blue and white dress that came down to my calves. The material was thin and a little cheap but I liked the shape and it reminded me of peasants. But then my mom and older sister both said that I reminded them of a nurse. I changed right away and haven't looked at it since. I totally get the whole "stay true to yourself" and "wear what you want" deal, but when something isn't appropriate for an occasion (I was going to church) or if it sends a strange message that others could take badly, then you have to be more careful. 

On another note, my family (and the cameras) are back, so the next outfit photos should be better. Unless, I don't have any time. Using a phone was way faster and I --for some reason-- felt less obligated to make them look great and be numerous in number.

Top: thrifted/ Forever 21
Skirt: thrifted
Tights: Fairweather
Belt: thrifted
Necklace: thrifted
Shoes: thrifted
Just a quick update on the whole "changing blog name" thing. It is still going through. I'm just trying to put everything together so it's a one time thing instead of dragging it over a few days or a week.

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