Monday, September 30, 2013

new news

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Okay first things first: I am now registered with Bloglovin' as stated above. So yeah... no obligations to follow me on there or anything. I have no idea if the link thing above actually works or if it is just a bunch of strange letters and numbers and symbols all jumbled together. If you find that it doesn't work, I'm sure typing in The Fieldguide on Bloglovin' will send you to where you need to go.

Secondly, I will be taking part in the October Dress Project. I've heard of this before, but I never knew where it originated. Apparently the "founder" is a family friend of ours. She goes to our church and I never even knew. So that's a fun fact.

I'll be doing the project this year and that should really be interesting. I'm still undecided about which dress I'll be going with, but I've narrowed it down to two recent buys. The first is a dark blue, canvas-like, shirt-dress that is simple, thick, and plain. Something that I could accessorize easily but isn't that interesting. It is a little long to wear under a skirt so the outfits might get a little boring after a while... My second choice is a little dark red lace dress that I thrifted yesterday. It is a little  short so I'll probably be wearing skirts overtop more often. I want to go with this one because while it isn't plain and simple, I think it will work with a lot of my pieces in my closet. Plus I'll probably be less bored of it by the end. I'll probably go through all my clothing this evening and try and determine which of the two dresses will be the better candidate.

I'm actually happy to say that this isn't one of my choices. Not that there is anything wrong with it, it just isn't even remotely my style. A little too girly. However, it is the closest I could come to showing you the dress without taking pictures of the actual dress (I'm a little lazy right now). The dress I actually have is a greyer shade of blue, has no ruffles or a sash or a collar, has longer sleeves that are buckled, is made of a canvas material, has pockets, a straight skirt, a deeper v-neck,  and large brown buttons down the front. There are loop-holes for a belt but it didn't come with one (thrifted and all). The overall effect of the dress I have is more rugged. Kind of like what a mountain hiker would wear. Definitely something I would wear on a hike if it wasn't too strenuous. 

I would love to say that this dress is one of my choices because I love this shade of yellow, but it isn't. However, my second dress option is exactly like this one but in a burgundy. It's a little big around the waist, but it isn't anything a belt can't fix. The dress I have also has buttons down the back and a zipper on the side instead of a an elasticized waist. But other than that (and the colour) the two dresses are pretty much identical. Wait, actually, this dress looks like it is made of stretchy lace, but mine has no stretch whatsoever. I'm leaning towards this one a little more because it is more summery and I want to get a lot of wears out of it before the really cold weather gets here. 

This season will be super busy for me. Not only am I in the first semester of my last year of high school, I have a blog to keep up with, the dress project in October, NaNoWriMo in November, a novel to keep up with, and-- actually that's it. It doesn't seem so intimidating when it's all laid out but I'll probably be way over my head when stuff actually starts happening.

I'd love to hear your opinion on which dress I should wear. I'm having a tough time deciding and an outside eye would be awesome.

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