Tuesday, May 21, 2013

meet the musketeers

My family and I recently went to the wedding of our family friends. We've known the bride since she was really little. Our parents met when me and her younger sister were still in the womb. Yeah... I feel old. 

My family and I have a really bad habit of planning things way to much in advance but only actually accomplishing things at the very last moment. This wedding took place a week and a half ago and yet we were getting our outfits together way back in March. The story surrounding the dress I wore is quite the adventure though, so I'm really glad that I had some extra time to figure things out. 

I had been looking for dresses on my favourite websites for a few days before I came across this dress and another, light yellow shift. They were both beautiful and decently priced so I had the hardest time chosing. I eventually went with this one because I loved the flowy skirt and the boat neck. It has this fifty's vibe that I absolutely love. So, after a week or so of mulling over my choice, I went online and decided to place my order. However, I don't own a credit card or a Pay-Pal account so I had to use my parents' Pay-Pal account which was a huge pain. They haven't used it much so none of us had any idea that we could have an immediate credit card transfer instead of having to wait over a week for a bank account transfer to be approved. So, I ended up waiting a week. I was so excited when I logged in and found out that the transfer had been approved. However, my joy was quickly crushed when I went online and found that this dress was no longer in stock. I was devastated. Not because I loved the dress so much (even though I did) but because of all the frustration I had gone through and the patience I had had been forced to have. So, I gave up on this dress and restarted my search. My heart wasn't in it anymore though, and my mind kept drifting to this dress. I kept regularly checking on the site to see if it miraculously came back into stock. One day, about a week and a half after the disappointment, it came back. However, for some reason, there was only one dress and it was in my size. I was extatic. I was certain that it was meant to be. I had to wait for my dad to come home from work so that he could put in his paypal password. But then, in the matter of only a couple hours, the dress once again sold out. I think I actually cried. It was a roller-coaster of emotions. First was disappointment, then hope, than joy, and finally a huge let down... It wasn't the best day for me. 

So, in a last-ditch effort, I contacted the store and got the designer's name and the product number. I found the dress once again, but this time, straight from the source... the designer. She didn't have many pieces so I assumed that she wasn't constantly changing the stock and so had to keep the stuff she had well-stocked. I was right. So, as soon as I could, I jumped on it and FINALLY ordered the dress. Looking back, it seems like a lot of effort and pain for one dress...

The shoes story is a similar, albeit shorter, version of the dress story. 

Dress: Fleet Collection
Earrings: Stolen from my mom 
Clutch: Thrifted
Shoes (see at bottom): Modcloth

Unfortunately, the photo above is the best I can do in terms of a full-length view. I did take a few of those, but they didn't turn out so great. So, this will have to do.

The handsome stud standing beside me is my older brother. He, my older sister (pictured below), and I have been kind of like the Three Musketeers since we were little. We have so many great memories together and we kind of fit together like a puzzle. We each have our special "purpose" that make us work together really well. My sister was always the responsible one, my brother was always the troublemaker, and I was always the used-and-abused servant that would do whatever they said... Ah, such good memories.

Dress: Online (some place in China)
Earrings: Ardene
Belt: Walmart
Shoes: Walmart

(as you can tell, we're a fan of Walmart)

My older sister has always been my best friend. We shared a room and secrets for the first twelve years of my life and although secrets are still whispered, she is now in University so I don't get to see her as much as I'd like to. For someone so small and petite, she has kind of a strange, punk-rocker style. She's always wearing dark clothing with harsh metal and she has five piercings.

She's always been my Boss, and I've always been her Bodyguard... even when we're both gone and married, this will never change.

There is something that I love about foot/lower-leg shots. They are so simple, and yet they carry such artisticness to them. You can tell so much about a person by the way they stand and how their feet are positioned. But just don't stare at people's feet when you meet them or talk to them... I've heard that it's rude.

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