Saturday, May 11, 2013

bottle it up

Spring is here at last! First was the extremely long winter that didn't seem to want to take it's grip off of us. And then the summer weather appeared out of nowhere. We thought that spring had been completely forgotten, a long lost memory of years past. However, the showers of the season have finally found us. It's been raining quite a bit for the past few weeks so it's been a little gloomy around here. We are just in the progress of opening our pool so now we're going to have to wait even longer for the weather to clear up before we can use it. At least it isn't too humid. I do believe that humid weather is the one I hate the most. It is so heavy and sticky and sluggish.

The one good thing coming out of this weather is the greenness of the grass. We've lived in this house for around five years now and the grass has never been greener. It kind of reminds me of pictures of Ireland with the bright green grass and the freshness.

I've never been much of a photographer. I usually leave that to my older sister or my younger sister (pictured here) since they've taken courses and they're more experienced. But I've always wanted to learn. I love the fact that you can take one single moment and keep it as a visual object for the rest of your life. Kind of like when people say they want to bottle up a moment. It's great because just by looking at a photo, all the emotions you were feeling at that time suddenly come back to you. 

Photography, at least for me, in the past, as been something that one does simply to remember a moment. I've never really thought of it much as an art. But I'm starting to, and this blog, I believe, will help.

Tanktop: Garage
Dress: Forever 21
Cardigan: BlueNotes
Tights: Fairweather
Shoes: Payless Shoe Source
Earrings: Ardene
Bracelet: thrifted

1 comment:

  1. Hey Veronica,

    You said in your first post that this was a fashion blog, like writing about fashion. In the second post you had pictures and the fashion but you didn't write about any fashion or the pics. All you wrote was about the weather and photography. Is that what you intended? To have both fashion and writing but keep them separated in your blog?
    (I really like the pictures though)

    Just as constructive criticism,

