Wednesday, May 8, 2013

the first monologue

There is something that has been bothering me for who-knows-how long. But people still seem to do things for fame and glory and popularity. And that leads them down roads that they don't enjoy or trust. I find that people have forgotten that if you like something, do it! Do it the way you like. This is your "thing" after all.

Do it in several different ways. Try to combine all the things you like/love into a huge ball of awesomeness!

Example(and the “why” of this blog): 

I love writing.
I also love history.
And fashion.

I’ve been writing historical novels for the past year and a half.
My style has been inspired by history for the past two years or so.

So, I have a combination of writing and history.
And a combination of history and fashion.

Now for writing and fashion.

Question: What is something that combines fashion and writing?
Answer: A fashion blog. 

If you answered correctly before reading the answer, I applaud you. (Even though all of you probably saw the answer in your peripheral vision.)

A fashion blog. 

So I decided to do a fashion blog. 

So I went on the computer, found blogger, and started. 

However, I had an epiphany. Well, more of a realization: I have around twenty journals scattered around my house, not even half full. Point being, I hardly stick to something that involves my own life (mainly being because it's boring). 

But I’ll still do it. I’m determined. This blog will not be like those dozens of diaries that I’ve left to collect dust. It won’t be like those notebooks in which I’ve written a single entry only to lose them the next day! I am determined! I will not be swayed!

Okay... *deep breathe*

This blog will be a place for me to vent, to post, to share. Kind of like a fashion/life journal. 

And you’ll all be there enjoy my shortcomings, my failures, my embarrassments...

And you’ll all be able to laugh with (at) me. 

Now won’t that be fun? 

But enough talking. I think I've said enough. I've started drifting into the telling-you-what-I'm-about-to-tell-you stuff. Which is alright in an introduction for a essay, but not for a fashion blog.  

It's like in fiction writing. Novels are only interesting if the author shows the reader the story, instead of telling them the story. Showing brings the story to life.

So that's what I'll do. I'll show you.

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