Wednesday, October 16, 2013

life and times...

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I read this a couple years ago for English class and it quickly became one of my all-time favourite books. My younger sister recently bought it for her English class and I loved the cover art so I decided it was time for me to snatch a copy up as well.

Listening to...
"Let Her Go" by Passenger. My brother was playing it over Sonos (its an intercom for music) and it reminded me a lot of James Blunt who was a huge thing in our house a couple years ago. Bought it and have been listening to it non-stop for the past day. I've already bought the sheet music and have started playing it on the piano. I don't usually simply like something... I dive right in and completely surround myself with it. My family sometimes gets worried.

Captain Phillips with friends. We went to the theatres last night with some friends and their parents (we being my brother and I). The movie was pretty good. The plot was interesting and intense, the acting was really good, but I wasn't really impacted overall. It wasn't bad, but for me it just wasn't spectacular.

Planing to...
reorganize my room. I picked up a vanity/shelf from a family friend yesterday so now I have another place to dump my junk. I'm a sucker for used furniture (and free… don't forget free) and right now it is just standing outside my room until I can find a place to put it. I love remaking my room and figuring out where things go, kind of like a puzzle.

Excited about...
Modcloth now accepting Canadian credit cards! I am so stoked for this. It might not end well though, because I'll end up spending all my money on there. I really need self-control.

Annoyed with...
my computer. It was my dad's work computer before it belonged to me so it has a ton of his work files on it and there is almost no space for my own things on the hard drive. So I can't save any more files, and any windows that I have open shut down after a minute because there is "no more space available for application memory". So I've started deleting some photos that I have and it is really painful because… well, I kind of want to keep them.

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