Wednesday, July 31, 2013

ulyana sergeenko // session V

Hey all! How's everybody doing? Sorry for the long wait; I've just been super busy lately. My family and I went up to Northern Ontario and Quebec for a week and a half. It was really nice. I got to see my cousins and my grandparents and we ended up going white water rafting which was really cool. I'll see if I can get some photos of that for you guys.

Without further ado, here is the fifth and final session of the Ulyana Sergeenko Collection series. Instead of organizing this final session numerically, as in my top four (which they are), I've decided to do it by theme/occasion. Hope you enjoy!

Outdoor Outfit:

It was actually quite difficult picking a favourite "coat" outfit from this collection. I absolutely loved both this one and the two from the previous section. Now that I actually think about it, I think I might actually like the two from Session IV better than this one. But this one is still exquisite. I love the contrast between the soft, ladylike lace and the hard grey colour and the shark lines of the dress including those pleats.

Daily Outfit:

Although this outfit can't boast of bright colours or crazy prints, it has some wonderful texture. Each of the pieces are made with a unique and obvious material, from the velvet bag to the fuzzy skirt and the tweed-like top. I absolutely love the diversity and how the outfit is different and unique without screaming it to your face.

Going Out Outfit:

There isn't a single thing that I don't like about this dress. I love the high neckline, I love the puffed sleeves, I love the buttons that trickle down the front, I love the colour, I love the print, I love the nipped in waist, and I love how the clutch matches the buttons. Heck, I even love the model.

Black Tie Outfit:
It's a real shame that I can't buy this dress. Because if I could I would. And then I would proceed to wear it absolutely everywhere, from the grocery store to church, to my job. This is a total "me" dress: the shape, the colour, the material, the sleeves, the PETER PAN COLLAR, the lace gloves... *sigh* I think I'm in love. 

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